Del Piero Plans to Play In English Premier League And Ligue 1
Once reported almost certain to leave Juventus this season, senior player Alessandro Del Piero hints will continue his career in the Premier League. He admitted that he felt interested in the experience of playing at Premier League clubs, like Manchester United.
"I like the English club, Manchester United one of them and happy to gain experience in the Premier League. I also liked the atmosphere of the stadium like Old Trafford and the attitude of the supporters. What better than to see fans from both teams together in the stadium without problem? "he added.
He knows that his contract will not be extended again, Juventus captain has confirmed that he will continue to play. "Turin is my city, where I spent half my life and have all the people closest to the most dear to me. We grew up together, Turin and me," he told France Football.
Previously Alex was reportedly hunted several Major League Soccer clubs, and also one of the Swiss club Sion. However, recent indications, Del Piero was interested in playing in England. However, Il Pinturicchio confirmed Britain is not the only his goal as he claimed also interested in French football.
"I also have a special bond with France. Les Bleus made me cry several times, while in other occasions they give me great joy. I still have very good relationships with some colleagues dri France. For example, Zinedine Zidane coming to an organized charity match two years ago. He's still amazing! "he asserted.